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14 Ramadhan 1446H

Fri, 14 Mar 2025

Pray Time
8 : 25
وَاتَّقُواْ فِتْنَةً لاَّ تُصِيبَنَّ الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُواْ مِنكُمْ خَآصَّةً وَاعْلَمُواْ أَنَّ اللّهَ شَدِيدُ الْعِقَابِ
And fear a trial which will not strike those who have wronged among you exclusively, and know that Allah is severe in penalty.

{ واتقوا فتنة } إن أصابتكم { لا تصيبنَّ الذين ظلموا منكم خاصة } بل تعمهم وغيرهم واتقاؤها بإنكار موجبها من المنكر { واعلموا أن الله شديد العقاب } لمن خالفه .
And fear sedition The Osapetkm not Tseben especially those who wronged you but Tamanm and other preventable and denying Mujbha of evil and know that Allah is severe in punishment for those who goes against .