And [mention] when We raised the mountain above them as if it was a dark cloud and they were certain that it would fall upon them, [and Allah said], "Take what We have given you with determination and remember what is in it that you might fear Allah ."
{ و } { إذ نتقنا الجبل } رفعناه من أصله { فوقهم كأنه ظُلَّةٌ وظنوا } أيقنوا { أنه واقع بهم } ساقط عليهم بوعد الله إياهم بوقوعه إن لم يقبلوا أحكام التوراة ن وكانوا أبَوْها لثقلها فقلبوا وقلنا لهم { خذوا ما آتيناكم بقوة } بجد واجتهاد { واذكروا ما فيه } بالعمل به { لعلكم تتقون } .
And as Ntguena mountain we offered of origin above them like a canopy, and they thought recognize, it is the reality of their plopped them the promise of God them occurrence that did not accept the provisions of the Torah n They were her father to its weight Vqbawa and told them Take what Otinakm strongly diligently And remember what it him to work for the Fountain of Faith .