And recite to them, [O Muhammad], the news of him to whom we gave [knowledge of] Our signs, but he detached himself from them; so Satan pursued him, and he became of the deviators.
{ واتل } يا محمد { عليهم } أي اليهود { نبأ } خبر { الذي آتيناه آياتنا فانسلخ منها } خرج بكفره كما تخرج الحية من جلدها، وهو بلعم بن باعوراء من علماء بني إسرائيل، سُئل أن يدعو على موسى وأُهدي إليه شيء، فدعا فانقلب عليه اندلع لسانه على صدره { فأتبعه الشيطان } فأدركه فصار قرينه { فكان من الغاوين } .
Satellites O Muhammad them any Jews news news who gave him our signs Vanslkh them out a disbeliever also graduated from the living skin, a macrophage bin Baaoura of scientists the children of Israel, was asked to call Moses and dedicate him something, he called turned against him broke his tongue on his chest Votbah Satan became a companion, make it was of evildoers.