And We have certainly created for Hell many of the jinn and mankind. They have hearts with which they do not understand, they have eyes with which they do not see, and they have ears with which they do not hear. Those are like livestock; rather, they are more astray. It is they who are the heedless.
{ ولقد ذَرأْنا } خلقنا { لجهنم كثيرا من الجن والإنس لهم قلوب لا يفقهون بها } الحق { ولهم أعين لا يبصرون بها } دلائل قدرة الله بصر اعتبار { ولهم آذان لا يسمعون بها } الآيات والمواعظ سماع تدبر واتعاظ { أولئك كالأنعام } في عدم الفقه والبصر والاستماع { بل هم أضل } من الأنعام لأنها تطلب منافعها وتهرب من مضارها وهؤلاء يقدمون على النار معاندة { أولئك هم الغافلون } .
The Dhirona created to Hell many of the jinn and mankind have hearts wherewith they understand not right and they have eyes wherewith they see not signs of God's sight regarded and their ears do not hear them verses and homilies hear reflection and Itti'az those like cattle not to jurisprudence and eyesight and listen, but they astray from cattle because they require the benefits and detriments of evasion and provide these to the fire to resist those are the heedless .