And when you, [O Muhammad], do not bring them a sign, they say, "Why have you not contrived it?" Say, "I only follow what is revealed to me from my Lord. This [Qur'an] is enlightenment from your Lord and guidance and mercy for a people who believe."
{ وإذا لم تأتهم } أي أهل مكة { بآية } مما اقترحوا { قالوا لولا } هلا { اجتبيتها } أنشأتها من قبل نفسك { قل } لهم { إنَّما أتَّبع ما يوحى إلي من ربي } وليس لي أن آتي من عند نفسي بشيء { هذا } القرآن { بصائر } حجج { من ربِّكم وهدى ورحمة لقوم يؤمنون } .
If you do not Tathm any people of Mecca verse which suggested said Lula Hla Ajtpetha created by yourself Say them but follow what is revealed to me from my Lord and I do not have to come from when myself something this Quran insights arguments from your Lord and a guidance and a mercy for people who believe .