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14 Ramadhan 1446H

Fri, 14 Mar 2025

Pray Time
7 : 63
أَوَعَجِبْتُمْ أَن جَاءكُمْ ذِكْرٌ مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ عَلَى رَجُلٍ مِّنكُمْ لِيُنذِرَكُمْ وَلِتَتَّقُواْ وَلَعَلَّكُمْ تُرْحَمُونَ
Then do you wonder that there has come to you a reminder from your Lord through a man from among you, that he may warn you and that you may fear Allah so you might receive mercy."

{ أ } كذبتم { وعجبتم أن جاءكم ذكر } موعظة { من ربكم على } لسان { رجل منكم لينذركم } العذاب إن لم تؤمنوا { ولتتَّقوا } الله { ولعلكم ترحمون } بها .
A and lied Jpettm said that there comes a sermon from your Lord on the tongue of a man you Andhirkm to torment did not believe that the fatwa and God but Allah. Out.