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20 Jamadilakhir 1446H

Sun, 22 Dec 2024

Pray Time
2 : 101
وَلَمَّا جَاءهُمْ رَسُولٌ مِّنْ عِندِ اللّهِ مُصَدِّقٌ لِّمَا مَعَهُمْ نَبَذَ فَرِيقٌ مِّنَ الَّذِينَ أُوتُواْ الْكِتَابَ كِتَابَ اللّهِ وَرَاء ظُهُورِهِمْ كَأَنَّهُمْ لاَ يَعْلَمُونَ
And when a messenger from Allah came to them confirming that which was with them, a party of those who had been given the Scripture threw the Scripture of Allah behind their backs as if they did not know [what it contained].

{ ولما جاءهم رسول من عند الله } محمد { مصدق لما معهم نبذ فريق من الذين أوتوا الكتاب كتاب الله } أي التوراة { وراء ظهورهم } أي لم يعملوا بما فيها من الإيمان بالرسول وغيره { كأنهم لا يعلمون } ما فيها من أنه نبي حق أو أنها كتاب الله .
And what came to them a Messenger from God Muhammad certified to them to renounce a team of those who were given a book of God any Torah behind their backs which did not work, including from faith messenger and other as if they know not what where it is the prophet of right or they Book of God.