Those who do not know say, "Why does Allah not speak to us or there come to us a sign?" Thus spoke those before them like their words. Their hearts resemble each other. We have shown clearly the signs to a people who are certain [in faith].
{ وقال الذين لا يعلمون } أي كفار مكة للنبي { لولا } هلا { يكلمنا الله } بأنك رسوله { أو تأتينا آية } مما اقترحناه على صدقك { كذلك } كما قال هؤلاء { قال الذين من قبلهم } من كفار الأمم الماضية لأنبيائهم { مثل قولهم } من التعنت وطلب الآيات { تشابهت قلوبهم } في الكفر والعناد، فيه تسلية للنبي { قد بينا الآيات لقوم يوقنون } يعلمون أنها آيات فيؤمنون فاقتراحُ آية معها تعنُّت .
And those who are not aware of any infidels of Mecca the Prophet Lula Hla speaks of God you messenger or come to us verse , which we proposed to honesty also also said they said those before them of Kfar Nations past prophets like saying The intransigence of the request were similar verses hearts in disbelief and stubbornness, the amusement of the Prophet Pena has verses for a people who have firm Faith verses they believe they know The proposed verse with intransigence.