And if you brought to those who were given the Scripture every sign, they would not follow your qiblah. Nor will you be a follower of their qiblah. Nor would they be followers of one another's qiblah. So if you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, indeed, you would then be among the wrongdoers.
{ ولإن } لام قسم { أتيت الذين أوتوا الكتاب بكل آية } على صدقك في أمر القبلة { ما تبعوا } أي لا يتبعون { قبلتك } عناداً { وما أنت بتابع قبلتهم } قطع لطمعه في إسلامهم وطمعهم في عوده إليها { وما بعضهم بتابع قبلة بعض } أي اليهود قبلة النصارى وبالعكس { ولإن اتبعت أهواءهم } التي يدعونك إليها { من بعد ما جاءك من العلم } الوحي { إنك إذا } إن تبعتهم فرضا { لمن الظالمين } .
Because L section came those who were given the book to each verse on honesty in command direction What followed which do not follow kiss stubborn what you poodle accepted cut to the greed in their Islam and greed in promises to and some poodle kiss some any Jews kiss Christians and vice versa Because followed their own lusts, which they call you to after it comes from the revelation of science that if you follow them presumably who oppressors.