He has only forbidden to you dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah . But whoever is forced [by necessity], neither desiring [it] nor transgressing [its limit], there is no sin upon him. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
{ إنما حرم عليكم الميتة } أي أكلها إذا الكلام فيه وكذا ما بعدها وهي ما لم يذك شرعا، وألحق بها بالسنة ما أبين من حيِّ وخُص منها السمك والجراد { والدم } أي المسفوح كما في الأنعام { ولحم الخنزير } خص اللحم لأنه معظم المقصود وغيره تبع له { وما أهل به لغير الله } أي ذبح على اسم غيره والإهلال رفع الصوت وكانوا يرفعونه عند الذبح لآلهتهم { فمن اضطر } أي ألجأته الضرورة إلى أكل شيء مما ذكر فأكله { غير باغ } خارج على المسلمين { ولا عاد } متعد عليهم بقطع الطريق { فلا إثم عليه } في أكله { إن الله غفور } لأوليائه { رحيم } بأهل طاعته حيث وسع لهم في ذلك وخرج الباغي والعادي ويلحق بهما كل عاص بسفره كالآبق والماكس فلا يحل لهم أكل شيء من ذلك ما لم يتوبوا وعليه الشافعي .
But forbidden to you dead any fruit if the speech in which, as well as beyond which unless reminds religiously, right by the year what Abyan district singled out, including fish and locusts blood any shed as in cattle pork singled meat because most of the intended and others followed him and what people do to other than Allah any slaughter on the name of another and ihraam raise the voice and they Ervonh at slaughter of the gods it is forced any Oljoth necessary to eat anything that is said Voklh non Bagh out to Muslims not returned transitive them to cut off the road there is no sin on him in the fruit that God is forgiving Ouliaih Merciful the people to obey him as expanded them in it and came out the aggressor and the normal and appends them all insubordinate by traveling Kalabak and Max is not permissible for them to eat something out of it what they did not repent and it Shafei.