There is no blame upon you for that to which you [indirectly] allude concerning a proposal to women or for what you conceal within yourselves. Allah knows that you will have them in mind. But do not promise them secretly except for saying a proper saying. And do not determine to undertake a marriage contract until the decreed period reaches its end. And know that Allah knows what is within yourselves, so beware of Him. And know that Allah is Forgiving and Forbearing.
{ ولا جُناح عليكم فيما عَرَّضتم } لوحتم { به من خطبة النساء } المتوفى عنهن أزواجهن في العدة كقول الإنسان : مثلا إنك لجميلة ومن يجد مثلك ورب راغب فيك { أو أكننتم } أضمرتم { في أنفسكم } من قصد نكاحهن { علم الله أنكم ستذكرونهن } بالخطبة ولا تصبرون عنهن فأباح لكم التعريض { ولكن لا تواعدوهن سرّاً } أي نكاحاً { إلا } لكن { أن تقولوا قولاً معروفا } أي ما عرف لكم شرعا من التعريض فلكم ذلك { ولا تعزموا عقدة النكاح } أي على عقده { حتى يبلغ الكتاب } أي المكتوب من العدة { أجله } بأن ينتهي { واعلموا أن الله يعلم ما في أنفسكم } من العزم وغيره { فاحذروه } أن يعاقبكم إذا عزمتم { واعلموا أن الله غفور } لمن يحذره { حليم } بتأخير العقوبة عن مستحقها .
Not suite you as you presented to Ouhtm its sermon women deceased by their husband in the kit is like the human: for example you to beautiful and find like Lord willing Vick or Ocunnintm Odmrtm yourselves of intent Ncahan God taught you Stzkronhen keynote nor Tsberon about them So it is permissible for you the exposure but not Twateken secretly any chaste only but to say a word known which is known to you religiously from the exposure as your so not Tazmoa knot of marriage any on his contract until the book any written from gunning for him that end and know that God knows what is in yourselves of torque and other Vahdhiroh to Ieqpkm if Azmtm and know that God is forgiving to those who warn Halim delay punishment for Msthakha.