He said, "O Adam, inform them of their names." And when he had informed them of their names, He said, "Did I not tell you that I know the unseen [aspects] of the heavens and the earth? And I know what you reveal and what you have concealed."
{ قال } تعالى { يا آدم أنبئهم } أي الملائكة { بأسمائهم } المسميات فسمى كل شيء باسمه وذكر حكمته التي خلق لها { فلما أنبأهم بأسمائهم قال } تعالى لهم موبخاً { ألم أقل لكم إنَّي أعلم غيب السماوات والأرض } ما غاب فيهما { وأعلم ما تبدون } ما تظهرون من قولكم أتجعل فيها الخ { وما كنتم تكتمون } تسرون من قولكم لن يخلق الله أكرم عليه منا ولا أعلم .
Said Almighty O Adam Onbihm any angels names Titles was called everything in his name, said his wisdom by creating a When Onbohm their names said exalted them reproachfully less pain you that I know the Unseen of the heavens and the earth missed two and I know what you reveal are showing what is your opinion of the Atjal etc. and what you have been concealing Tsron of your argument will not create God Akram upon us I do not know.