And Allah has made for you, from that which He has created, shadows and has made for you from the mountains, shelters and has made for you garments which protect you from the heat and garments which protect you from your [enemy in] battle. Thus does He complete His favor upon you that you might submit [to Him].
{ والله جعل لكم مما خلق } من البيوت والشجر والغمام { ظلالاً } جمع ظل، تقيكم حر الشمس { وجعل لكم من الجبال أكنانا } جمع كن، وهو ما يستكن فيه كالغار والسرب { وجعل لكم سرابيل } قمصا { تقيكم الحر } أي والبرد { وسرابيل تقيكم بأسكم } حربكم أي الطعن والضرب فيها كالدروع والجواشن { كذلك } كما خلق هذه الأشياء { يُتم نعمته } في الدنيا { عليكم } بخلق ما تحتاجون إليه { لعلكم } يا أهل مكة { تسلمون } توحدونه .
God made you, creating a of the houses and trees and clouds cast shadow collection, Takikm hot sun you make mountains Oknana collection of Be, which surrendered the Kalgar Squadron and make you Srabil Qmassa Takikm free any cold and Srabil Takikm Boskm your war any challenge and beating the Caldrua Jawashen and as well as the creation of these things are grace in this world you to create what you need that you may O people of Mecca Tzlmon Touhdonh.