And when those who associated others with Allah see their "partners," they will say," Our Lord, these are our partners [to You] whom we used to invoke besides You." But they will throw at them the statement, "Indeed, you are liars."
( وإذا رأى الذين أشركوا شركاءهم ) من الشياطين وغيرها ( قالوا ربنا هؤلاء شركاؤنا الذين كنا ندعو ) نعبدهم ( من دونك فألقوا إليهم القول ) أي قالوا لهم ( إنكم لكاذبون ) في قولكم إنكم عبدتمونا كما في آية أخرى " ما كانوا إيانا يعبدون " ، سيكفرون بعبادتهم .
(If you saw who have been involved their partners) of demons and other (said Lord those partners who used to call) Nabdhm (of Dunk and they threw them to say) Any told them (You are liars) at Qualcomm You Abdtamona also in another verse, "What were us of worship," Sikvron Babadthm.