And do not wish for that by which Allah has made some of you exceed others. For men is a share of what they have earned, and for women is a share of what they have earned. And ask Allah of his bounty. Indeed Allah is ever, of all things, Knowing.
{ ولا تتمنَّوا ما فضَّل الله به بعضكم على بعض } من جهة الدنيا أو الدين لئلا يؤدى إلى التحاسد والتباغض { للرجال نصيب } ثواب { مما اكتسبوا } بسبب ما عملوا من الجهاد وغيره { وللنساء نصيب مما اكتسبن } من طاعة أزواجهن وحفظ فروجهن نزلت لما قالت أم سلمة: ليتنا كنا رجالا فجاهدنا وكان لنا مثل أجر الرجال { واسألوا } بهمزة ودونها { الله من فضله } ما احتجتم إليه يعطكم { إن الله كان بكل شيء عليما } ومنه محل الفضل وسؤالكم .
Not Taatmnoa what Fadlallah by some of you from the point of minimum or religion lest leads to envy and hatred Men share reward which gained because of what worked Jihad and other and women share which gained of obedience to their husbands and keeping vaginally revealed what it said Umm Salamah: If only we had men Fjahdna us like men's wages and ask Bhmzh and without bounty of Allah What you require it given you that God was everything Knower and replace him credit for the inquiry.