Have you not seen those who claim to have believed in what was revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and what was revealed before you? They wish to refer legislation to Taghut, while they were commanded to reject it; and Satan wishes to lead them far astray.
ونزل لما اختصم يهودي ومنافق فدعا المنافق إلى كعب بن الأشرف ليحكم بينهما ودعا اليهودي إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فأتياه فقضى لليهودي فلم يرض المنافق وأتيا عمر فذكر اليهودي ذلك فقال للمنافق أكذلك فقال نعم فقتله { ألم ترَ إلى الذين يزعمون أنهم آمنوا بما أنزل إليك وما أُنزل من قبلك يريدون أن يتحاكموا إلى الطاغوت } الكثير الطغيان وهو كعب بن الأشرف { وقد أمروا أن يكفروا به } ولا يوالوه { ويريد الشيطان أن يضلَّهم ضلالا بعيدا } عن الحق .
And went down to the sued Jew and a hypocrite called hypocritical to Ka'b ibn al-Ashraf to govern them and called the Jewish to the Prophet peace be upon him Votiah judged the Jews did not satisfy the hypocrite, and came Omar stated Jew so he said to the hypocrite Okzlk said yes, killing him not seen those who claim that they believe in what was revealed to you and what revealed before you want to resort to the idol a lot tyranny Ka'b ibn Ashraf was ordered to make amends by Ioaloh does not want the devil that deceived them far astray from the right .