And We did not send any messenger except to be obeyed by permission of Allah . And if, when they wronged themselves, they had come to you, [O Muhammad], and asked forgiveness of Allah and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah Accepting of repentance and Merciful.
{ وما أرسلنا من رسول إلا ليُطاع } فيما يأمر به ويحكم { بإذن الله } بأمره لا ليعصى ويخالف { ولو أنهم إذ ظلموا أنفسهم } بتحاكمهم إلى الطاغوت { جاءُوك } تائبين { فاستغفروا الله واستغفر لهم الرسول } فيه التفات عن الخطاب تفخيما لشأنه { لوجدوا الله توَابا } عليهم { رحيما } بهم .
And We sent a messenger except to be obeyed as ordered by the governing God willing ordering not to disobey and violate even if they are as wronged themselves Pthakmanm to the idol Jak repentant ask forgiveness of God and ask forgiveness for them Apostle where taking notice of the speech Tfajama for would they will find God Twaba them merciful to them.