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23 Syaaban 1446H

Sat, 22 Feb 2025

Pray Time
102 : 1
أَلْهَاكُمُ التَّكَاثُرُ
Competition in [worldly] increase diverts you
102 : 2
حَتَّى زُرْتُمُ الْمَقَابِرَ
Until you visit the graveyards.
102 : 3
كَلَّا سَوْفَ تَعْلَمُونَ
No! You are going to know.
102 : 4
ثُمَّ كَلَّا سَوْفَ تَعْلَمُونَ
Then no! You are going to know.
102 : 5
كَلَّا لَوْ تَعْلَمُونَ عِلْمَ الْيَقِينِ
No! If you only knew with knowledge of certainty...
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لَتَرَوُنَّ الْجَحِيمَ
You will surely see the Hellfire.
102 : 7
ثُمَّ لَتَرَوُنَّهَا عَيْنَ الْيَقِينِ
Then you will surely see it with the eye of certainty.
102 : 8
ثُمَّ لَتُسْأَلُنَّ يَوْمَئِذٍ عَنِ النَّعِيمِ
Then you will surely be asked that Day about pleasure.