And [there are] those [hypocrites] who took for themselves a mosque for causing harm and disbelief and division among the believers and as a station for whoever had warred against Allah and His Messenger before. And they will surely swear, "We intended only the best." And Allah testifies that indeed they are liars.
{ و } منهم { الذين اتخذوا مسجدا } وهم اثنا عشر من المنافقين { ضرارا } مضارة لأهل مسجد قباء { وكفرا } لأنهم بنوه بأمر أبي عامر الراهب ليكون معقلا له يقدم فيه من يأتي من عنده وكان ذهب ليأتي بجنود من قيصر لقتال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم { وتفريقا بين المؤمنين } الذين يصلون بقباء بصلاة بعضهم في مسجدهم { وإرصادا } ترقبا { لمن حارب الله ورسوله من قبل } أي قبل بنائه، وهو أبو عامر المذكور { وليحلفن إن } ما { أردنا } ببنائه { إلا } الفعلة { الحسنى } من الرفق بالمسكين في المطر والحر والتوسعة على المسلمين { والله يشهد إنهم لكاذبون } في ذلك، وكانوا سألوا النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أن يصلي فيه فنزل .
And them who have taken a mosque They Twelve of the hypocrites Dharara bigamy for the people of Quba Mosque and disbelief because they are his sons ordered Abu Amer monk to be a stronghold of his offers which come from him and was going to come soldiers of Caesar to fight God's blessings him and differentiation between believers who arrive Bakaba prayers, some in their mosque and Irsada anticipation those who fought against Allah and His Messenger by before its construction, Abu Amer said and Ihlvin that the we are built only act Beautiful of Humane Ecumenical in the rain, heat and expansion Muslims God testifies that they are liars in it, and they asked the Prophet peace be upon him to pray it went down.