If you do not aid the Prophet - Allah has already aided him when those who disbelieved had driven him out [of Makkah] as one of two, when they were in the cave and he said to his companion, "Do not grieve; indeed Allah is with us." And Allah sent down his tranquillity upon him and supported him with angels you did not see and made the word of those who disbelieved the lowest, while the word of Allah - that is the highest. And Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.
{ إلاّ تنصروه } أي النبيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم { فقد نصره الله إذ } حين { أخرجه الذين كفروا } من مكة أي الجؤوه إلى الخروج لما أرادوا قتله أو حبسه أو نفيه بدار الندوة { ثاني اثنين } حال أي أحد اثنين والآخر أبو بكر - المعنى نصره الله في مثل تلك الحالة فلا يخذله في غيرها - { إذ } بدل من إذ قبله { هما في الغار } نقب في جبل ثور { إذ } بدل ثان { يقول لصاحبه } أبي بكر وقد قال له لما رأى أقدام المشركين لو نظر أحدهم تحت قدميه لأبصرنا { لا تحزن إن الله معنا } بنصره { فأنزل الله سكينته } طمأنينته { عليه } قيل على النبي * وقيل على أبي بكر { وأيَّده } أي النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم { بجنود لم تروها } ملائكة في الغار ومواطن قتاله { وجعل كلمة الذين كفروا } أي دعوة الشرك { السفلى } المغلوبة { وكلمة الله } أي كلمة الشهادة { هي العليا } الظاهرة الغالبة { والله عزيز } في ملكه { حكيم } في صنعه .
Only Tansrōh any Prophet peace be upon him was God assist him as while narrated by those who disbelieve from Mecca any Aljaoh to get out of what they wanted to kill him or imprisoned or exiled House Symposium second two if any one of the two and the other Abu Bakr - meaning God assist him in such a situation does not forsake him in the other - as rather than as before two in Laurel sleuth in Mount Thor as instead of a second says to his companion Abu Bakr has said to him when he saw the feet of the infidels if someone looked under his feet to see us Do not be sad that God is with us his victory Allah revealed his knife tranquility it was said to the Prophet * was said to Abu Bakr supported any Prophet peace be upon him soldiers did not see them angels in the cave and a citizen fight and make the word of those who disbelieve any call polytheism Lower wretched and the word of God any word certificate is the predominant phenomenon Supreme and Dear God in his wise in the making.