And We had certainty settled the Children of Israel in an agreeable settlement and provided them with good things. And they did not differ until [after] knowledge had come to them. Indeed, your Lord will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that over which they used to differ
{ ولقد بوأنا } أنزلنا { بني إسرائيل مُبَوّأ صدق } منزل كرامة وهو الشام ومصر { ورزقناهم من الطيبات فما اختلفوا } بأن آمن بعض وكفر بعض { حتى جاءهم العلم إن ربَّك يقضي بينهم يوم القيامة فيما كانوا فيه يختلفون } من أمر الدين بإنجاء المؤمنين وتعذيب الكافرين .
The Buana sent down the children of Israel Mboua sincerity HOME dignity which Levant and Egypt (and) them with good things, what differed that secure some Kafr some even came to them knowing that the Lord is calling them the Day of Resurrection concerning that wherein they differ of the matter of religion Banjae believers and torture unbelievers .