That is from the news of the unseen which We reveal, [O Muhammad], to you. And you were not with them when they put together their plan while they conspired.
{ ذلك } المذكور من أمر يوسف { من أنباء } أخبار { الغيب } ما غاب عنك يا محمد { نوحيه إليك وما كنت لديهم } لدى إخوة يوسف { إذ أجمعوا أمرهم } في كيده أي عزموا عليه { وهم يمكرون } به أي لم تحضرهم فتعرف قصتهم فتخبر بها وإنما حصل لك علمها من جهة الوحي.
It mentioned of something Joseph of news News unseen missed you, O Muhammad Nouhih you and what you have with Joseph's brothers The unanimous ordered in Kedah which were determined by the They plot by any not Thoudarham defines their story Vtakbr out, but you got their attention from the point of revelation.