[They continued] until, when the messengers despaired and were certain that they had been denied, there came to them Our victory, and whoever We willed was saved. And Our punishment cannot be repelled from the people who are criminals.
{ حتى } غاية لما دل عليه (وما أرسلنا من قبلك إلا رجالا) أي فتراخى نصرهم حتى { إذا استيئس } يئس { الرسل وظنوا } أيقن الرسل { أنهم قد كذِّبوا } بالتشديد تكذيبا لا إيمان بعده والتخفيف أي ظن الأمم أن الرسل أخلفوا ما وعدوا به من النصر { جاءهم نصرنا فَنُنَجِّي } بنونين مشددا ومخففا وبنون مشددا ماض { من نشاء ولا يرد بأسنا } عذابنا { عن القوم المجرمين } المشركين .
So very what is indicated by the (And We sent you except men) any Fterakhy victory until if Astais despaired apostles and thought realized apostles that they had lied emphasizing retract no faith beyond and to mitigate any thought Nations that the apostles Okhalafoa what was promised Victory came to them from our victory Vennge Pannonian aggravating and mitigating and aggravating past sons of starch Our punishment is not mentioned our suffering for evildoers polytheists.