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23 Syaaban 1446H

Sat, 22 Feb 2025

Pray Time
12 : 19
وَجَاءتْ سَيَّارَةٌ فَأَرْسَلُواْ وَارِدَهُمْ فَأَدْلَى دَلْوَهُ قَالَ يَا بُشْرَى هَـذَا غُلاَمٌ وَأَسَرُّوهُ بِضَاعَةً وَاللّهُ عَلِيمٌ بِمَا يَعْمَلُونَ
And there came a company of travelers; then they sent their water drawer, and he let down his bucket. He said, "Good news! Here is a boy." And they concealed him, [taking him] as merchandise; and Allah was knowing of what they did.

{ وجاءت سيارة } مسافرون من مدين إلى مصر فنزلوا قريبا من جب يوسف { فأرسلوا واردهم } الذي يرد الماء ليستقي منه { فأدلى } أرسل { دلوه } في البئر فتعلق بها يوسف فأخرجه فلما رآه { قال يا بشراي } وفي قراءة بشرى ونداؤها مجاز أي احضري فهذا وقتك { هذا غلام } فعلم به إخوته فأتوه { وأسَرُّوه } أي أخفوا أمره جاعليه { بضاعة } بأن قالوا هذا عبدنا أبق، وسكت يوسف خوفا من أن يقتلوه { والله عليم بما يعملون } .
The car came passengers of a debtor to Egypt went down close to the den of Joseph Vorsilwa Ardhm which is contained water draws him ments E bucket in the well, suspending by Joseph Vokrjh when he saw said O Bashraa In reading Bushra and plea metaphor any Bring This is your time this Ghulam knew him and his brothers Votoh captured him any hid his Jaalih goods that they said this Abdna Keep, and kept silent for fear of Joseph to kill him and God knows what they do .