So he began [the search] with their bags before the bag of his brother; then he extracted it from the bag of his brother. Thus did We plan for Joseph. He could not have taken his brother within the religion of the king except that Allah willed. We raise in degrees whom We will, but over every possessor of knowledge is one [more] knowing.
{ فبدأ بأوعيتهم } ففتشها { قبل وعاء أخيه } لئلا يتهم { ثم استخرجها } أي السقاية { من وعاء أخيه } قال تعالى: { كذلك } الكيد { كدنا ليوسف } علمناه الاحتيال في أخذ أخيه { ما كان } يوسف { ليأخذ أخاه } رقيقا عن السرقة { في دين الملك } حكم ملك مصر لأن جزاءه عنده الضرب وتغريم مثلي المسروق لا الاسترقاق { إلا أن يشاء الله } أخذه بحكم أبيه أي لم يتمكن من أخذه إلا بمشيئة الله بإلهامه سؤال إخوته وجوابهم بسنتهم { نرفع درجاتِ من نشاء } بالإضافة والتنوين في العلم كيوسف { وفوق كل ذي علم } من المخلوقين { عليم } أعلم منه حتى ينتهي إلى الله تعالى.
Began Boeithm Vvchha before bowl brother lest they be accused then extracted any Watering pot brother He says: also maliciousness cDNA Joseph we learned fraud in taking his brother was Joseph to take his brother thin for theft in the religion of the king rule of the king of Egypt because his punishment he has beaten and fined twice the Stolen not slavery except as Allah wills took him by virtue of his father, which was not able to be taken only by the will of God Belhamh question his brothers and their answer Psonthm raise levels of starch addition and special characters in science Kyousef and above all a science of creatures Knowing know it until the end to God.