They said, "Are you indeed Joseph?" He said "I am Joseph, and this is my brother. Allah has certainly favored us. Indeed, he who fears Allah and is patient, then indeed, Allah does not allow to be lost the reward of those who do good."
{ قالوا } بعد أن عرفوه لما ظهر من شمائله متثبتين { أإنك } بتحقيق الهمزتين وتسهيل الثانية وإدخال ألف بينهما على الوجهين { لأنت يوسف قال أنا يوسف وهذا أخي قد منَّ } أنعم { الله علينا } بالاجتماع { إنه من يتق } يخف الله { ويصبر } على ما يناله { فإن الله لا يضيع أجر المحسنين } فيه وضع الظاهر موضع المضمر .
Said after that they knew what the back of the merits Mtthbtin Oank achieving Alhmzatan and facilitate second entry A two-sided to you Joseph said, I am Joseph, and this is my brother had of softest God we meeting It should fear hide God and patient bestowed on what the God does not waste the reward benefactors put the apparent position of the implicit.