And they both raced to the door, and she tore his shirt from the back, and they found her husband at the door. She said, "What is the recompense of one who intended evil for your wife but that he be imprisoned or a painful punishment?"
{ واستبقا الباب } بادر إليه يوسف للفرار وهي للتشبث به فأمسكت ثوبه وجذبته إليها { وقدَّت } شقت { قميصه من دبر وألفيا } وجدا { سيدها } زوجها { لدى الباب } فنزعت نفسها ثم { قالت ما جزاء من أراد بأهلك سوءا } زنا { إلا أن يسجن } يحبس في سجن { أو عذاب أليم } مؤلم بأن يضرب .
And Astbaka door initiated by Joseph to flee a to hang onto him Vomskt robe and attracted to it and drive paved shirt from masterminded and FIA and very master husband at the door Vensat itself then said what penalty of wanted your family worse weight except that imprisoned locked up in prison or a painful torment painful to hit.