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25 Syaaban 1446H

Mon, 24 Feb 2025

Pray Time

Tafseer Ibn Kathir of AR RAHMAAN [46]

وَلِمَنْ خَافَ مَقَامَ رَبِّهِ جَنَّتَانِ
But for he who has feared the position of his Lord are two gardens -
46. But for him who fears the standing before his Lord, there will be two Gardens. 47. Then which of the blessings of your Lord will you both deny 48. With Afnan. 49. Then which of the blessings of your Lord will you both deny 50. In them (both) will be two springs flowing (free). 51. Then which of the blessings of your Lord will you both deny 52. In them (both) will be every kind of fruit in pairs. 53. Then which of the blessings of your Lord will you both deny Allah the Exalted said,
وَلِمَنْ خَافَ مَقَامَ رَبِّهِ جَنَّتَانِ فَبِأَىِّ ءَالاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ ذَوَاتَآ أَفْنَانٍ فَبِأَىِّ ءَالاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ فِيهِمَا عَيْنَانِ تَجْرِيَانِ فَبِأَىِّ ءَالاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ فِيهِمَا مِن كُلِّ فَـكِهَةٍ زَوْجَانِ فَبِأَىِّ ءَالاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
(But for him who fears the standing before his Lord,) on the Day of Resurrection,
(And restrained himself from the desires.) (79:40), and does not indulge nor prefer this worldly life. He who knows that the Hereafter is better and more lasting, so he fulfills what his Lord ordered him and stays away from His prohibitions, then he will earn two gardens from his Lord on the Day of Resurrection. Al-Bukhari recorded that `Abdullah bin Qays said that the Messenger of Allah said,
وَلِمَنْ خَافَ مَقَامَ رَبِّهِ
(There are two gardens made of silver -- their vessels and all that they contain. And there are two gardens made of gold -- their vessels and all that they contain. And nothing stands between the people in the `Adn Garden and looking at their Lord, the Exalted and Most Honored, but the covering of pride before His Face.) The Group, with the exception of Abu Dawud, collected this via the Hadith of `Abdul-`Aziz. This Ayah is general and applies to both humans and Jinns, providing proof that those among the Jinns who believe and have Taqwa will enter Paradise, for Allah is reminding the Ath-Thaqalayn of this favor, as He says;
(But for him who fears the standing before his Lord, there will be two Gardens. Then which of the blessings of your Lord will you both deny) Then He describes these two gardens, by saying,
وَنَهَى النَّفْسَ عَنِ الْهَوَى
(With Afnan.) their trees have beautiful young branches that hold and produce every type of ripened beautiful fruit,
(Then which of the blessings of your Lord will you both deny) `Ata' Al-Khurasani and several others said that Afnan means spreading branches of trees that reach the branches of other trees,
«جَنَّتَانِ مِنْ فِضَّةٍ آنِيَتُهُمَا وَمَا فِيهِمَا، وَجَنَّتَانِ مِنْ ذَهَبٍ آنِيَتُهُمَا وَمَا فِيهِمَا، وَمَا بَيْنَ الْقَوْمِ وَبَيْنَ أَنْ يَنْظُرُوا إِلَى رَبِّهِمْ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ إِلَّا رِدَاءُ الْكِبْرِيَاءِ عَلَى وَجْهِهِ فِي جَنَّةِ عَدْن»
(In them (both) will be two springs flowing.) free to water these trees and branches that produce all kinds of fruits,
(Then which of the blessings of your Lord will you both deny) Al-Hasan Al-Basri said that one of these springs is called Tasnim, and the other called As-Salsabil. `Atiyah said that the water of one of these springs is from non-standing water and the other from wine that gives delight to those who drink it. Allah's statement,
وَلِمَنْ خَافَ مَقَامَ رَبِّهِ جَنَّتَانِ فَبِأَىِّ ءَالاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
(In them (both) will be every kind of fruit in pairs.), of every type and kind of fruit, that which they knew before, and better, and that which they did not know before. Therein, there are delights that no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard and no heart has ever imagined,
(Then which of the blessings of your Lord will you both deny) Ibrahim bin Al-Hakam bin Aban said that his father narrated from `Ikrimah that Ibn `Abbas said, ”There is not a fruit that exists in this life, sweet or bitter, but it exists in Paradise, even the colo- cynth.'' Ibn `Abbas also said, ”There is nothing in the world that is in the Hereafter except in name.'' Meaning there is such an enormous difference and contrast between the two in enjoyment and value.