وَءَايَةٌ لَّهُمْ أَنَّا حَمَلْنَا ذُرِّيَّتَهُمْ فِى الْفُلْكِ الْمَشْحُونِ - وَخَلَقْنَا لَهُمْ مِّن مِّثْلِهِ مَا يَرْكَبُونَ - وَإِن نَّشَأْ نُغْرِقْهُمْ فَلاَ صَرِيخَ لَهُمْ وَلاَ هُمْ يُنقَذُونَ - إِلاَّ رَحْمَةً مِّنَّا وَمَتَاعاً إِلَى حِينٍ
41. And an Ayah for them is that We bore their offspring in the laden ship. 42. And We have created for them of the like thereunto, on which they ride. 43. And if We will, We shall drown them, and there will be no shout for them, nor will they be saved. 44. Unless it be a mercy from Us, and as an enjoyment for a while. Allah tells us: another sign for them of His might and power is that He has subjugated the sea to carry ships, including -- most significantly -- the ship of Nuh , peace be upon him, in which Allah saved him and the believers, apart from whom none of the descendants of Adam were left on the face of the earth. Allah says: